By Zane — General Manager of Bukidnon Farms ⛰

Photo Finish Live account with myself as your referer can be created here. You will receive a free trainer horse that you can immediately practice racing with.

Photo Finish Live is a strategic, decision-making game centered around Horse Racing. Buying a horse on day 1 is unnecessary and not advised

You MUST first learn the basics about the game!

Like Chess, learning how the pieces move comes FIRST, and only then can you layer on more advanced concepts. In chess, knowledge and experience is required before you are ready to even compete a beginner tournament

PFL is an extremely competitive game, and without properly equipping yourself, you are at risk of giving money away 💸 and can become “food” for the more experienced players

Learning to play the game, IS playing the game. The strongest stables in the game are still learning every day

There ARE many ways for new players to get into the game successfully. But all of this requires self-education and a lot of subsequent, quality, question-asking

Day One:

Week 1: